This Is A Money Making Article
This Is A Money Making Article
A money making article? Watch this one make money. This is an article about writing an article that makes money. I will then give away the article to make money. It may seem like one of the more unusual ways to make money, but it is right in line with the way the internet works.
How To Make A Money Making Article
1. Write a title that catches attention and has the right keywords in it. This one has the keyword phrase "money making article," and apparently caught your attention. Keep it relevant to the article content, of course, or the reader will feel tricked, and may stop reading.
2. Write a description that pulls the reader in. You can also use the first couple sentences of the article for this. You want to tell the reader what they will find in the article, and leave them curious. Okay, you read this far, so that seems to be working.
3. Give useful information or good stories. It is even better if you can do both.
4. Use the keywords in the body of the article, and in sub-headings. This helps search engines find your article. Notice that I used "money making article" in the sub-heading above. Oh, and I just used it again.
5. Have an "authors resource box" that makes the reader want to visit your site. This is where you talk very little about yourself and more about why the reader should go to your web site. We'll see how well mine (below) works in this case. Make sure the link to your web site works.
6. Have a way to make money from visitors to your site. You may be selling your own products, or getting a commission for selling other people's products, or just be getting paid for the advertising there.
7. Submit your articles to the best article directories on the web. These are places where you can give away your articles. Visitors to the directories can read them there, but more importantly, other web site owners can take them and use them. Generally, the rules say they can't change a word in your article, and they have to make that link to your site (in the author's resource box) active.
8. Leave the reader feeling that he has learned something, but not quite everything. This helps get them to your site, to learn more. In this case, for example, I am leaving out the list of the best article directories to submit to, but in the resource box I will mention that it is on the web site. This is how you make it a money making article.
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