Thursday, January 13, 2011

Save Money - More Funny Ways The other day, I was doing research on ways to save money. While checking web sites and discussion forums, I discovered

Save Money - More Funny Ways

The other day, I was doing research on ways to save money. While checking web sites and discussion forums, I discovered that the cheapskates are hitting new - and funnier - lows. Choosing your spouse according to how frugal he or she is, and reusing the plastic from bacon packages were some of the serious suggestions. One contributor to a forum even said, "Instead of buying toilet paper, I use yesterday's newspaper."

My personal choice for the most ridiculous way to save money was to stop drinking beer. What are we trying to save money for? Some more funny ways to save money are below. I suspect - or at least I hope - that many of these are not meant to be serious suggestions. In any case, don't try these at home.

Save Money By...

- Turning off your clocks at night to save on electricity.

- Carrying powdered drink mix to add to water in restaurants, to save on buying drinks.

- Installing a cat door and training your cat to go outside to the neighbors yard to go to the bathroom. This saves on cat litter and time spent cleaning the yard.

- Eating dog food. (According to this contributor, dry dog food is better than canned.)

- Telling everyone you'll be out of town for Christmas, then shopping the after-Christmas sales for presents.

- Asking friends to save the labels from any new products they buy, so you can put them on your thrift-store purchases when you are buying gifts.

- Closing the heater vents in all the rooms except your bedroom before going to sleep.

- Encouraging mice in the house by leaving crumbs around - so your cat will have a free food supply.

- Learning speed-reading so you can read books for free while in the aisle at the book store.

- Leaving furniture in the same place in your house, so you can easily get around at night without turning the lights on.

- Bringing back rolls of coins from Canada, to use at the laundromat and in pop machines. This can save you 20% or more, depending on the exchange rate.

These may be funny ways to save money, but did any of them make you think "Hey, that's a good idea?" If so, do you still pick up pennies on the street? Wouldn't it be more efficient to just stay at work for an extra minute to earn a minutes pay? While you are there, you can take a big drink of water - to save on your home water bill.


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