Thursday, January 13, 2011

Making Money On The Internet

Making Money On The Internet

At some point a few years ago, I decided that I liked the idea of making money on the internet. Now that I haven't needed a job in years, I like it even better. I make money online several different ways, all of them carefully considered, so I don't have to be home to operate the business.

There are so many ways of making money on the internet. For example, I know someone who sells laminating machines from a web site, another who sells surveillance cameras and equipment online, and several people who sell ebooks. Below are some of the other possibilities:

1. Paid-subscription sites. These sites have limited public content. To get the good stuff, a visitor has to subscribe. For example, an internet business site might offer unlimited access to its resources, including web site templates, sales letters, and the latest news and techniques, for $10 per month. Build up to a thousand subscribers and you'll be making some money.

2. Sell expertise. Many use a website to sell their offline expertise. Whether a business consultant or a wilderness guide, you can make more money with an online presence.

3. Sell a book. It easier than ever to sell your book without a publisher. Set up a sales site and you can either promote it free using articles, or pay for search traffic.

4. Sell downloadable ebooks and reports. No printing expense, and no shipping. Buyers pay with credit cards and download their purchases - even while you sleep.

5. Sell links. If you have good web sites, people will pay to have links placed there. There are companies online that will arrange the selling of these too.

6. Pay-per-click advertising revenue. This is one of the easiest ways of making money on the internet. Paste that code into your pages and start collecting for clicks. I liked this idea long before I passed the $100 per day mark on my click revenue.

7. Sell handicrafts. Many people sell the things they make online - everything from walking sticks to dog clothing.

8. Make affiliate sales without a web site. Although it has become more difficult, you can still make commissions without a website, by posting links for free in forums, articles, and online classifieds.

9. Sell pixels. Remember the man who sold a million pixels on a web page, at a dollar each, to pay for college (and much more)? Buyers advertised how they wanted with their 100 or 200-pixel space. Then came the buy-a-word sites. Pay for a word to be linked to wherever you like. What's next?

10. Sell affiliate products. When visitors to my backpacking site click on the links there and buy a tent or a sleeping bag, I get paid a 7% commission. This is affiliate marketing, but it works in many other ways, and the commissions range as high as 75%.
1. Sell downloadable CDs you make. For $100, you can get the software to make "brainwave entrainment" Cds, and then sell them online.

12. Sell simple reports. Know how to get a job at a casino, or how to train a cat? Create a ten-page report and sell it online.

13. Design websites. Make your own look good if you want to do this for money, of course.

14. Sell phone consultation. Know how to buy and sell real estate, or make a profitable website? Sell consulting time online.

15. Sell articles. There are places online where you can post your articles for sale, either with complete rights (for a higher price), or sell them repeatedly for one-time non-exclusive use.

16. Write and distribute articles to promote a specific web site, for a fee.

17. Create a free newsletter, and sell your own or affiliate products in each issue.

18. Create and sell graphics. You can sell non-exclusive rights to use them if you want repeat income.

19. Take your MLM business online. Multi-level marketing is alive and well in the internet world.

20. Build mini-sites to promote one affiliate product. A one-to-five page site to on fishing to sell a PDF fishing book that makes you a $8 commission, for example. Put up ten such sites, and make just three sales per day on each, and you'll have a gross income of $7,200 per month.

Sell and ship products. Sell products that don't need to be shipped. Sell advertising. Sell your expertise online. Sell your offline services online. Sell other people's products. Sell your own products. These are just some of the basic categories of online business. Within each of these categories there are dozens of ways of making money on the internet. Why not get started?


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